Never go into battle unprepared



Near-Sighted. Far-Sighted. Lopsided?

I am only writing as an outlet for these thoughts about vision. I do not claim to have the answer or any answer. I am merely writing what I have discovered.
When I think of vision the first thing that comes to my mind is that eye chart commonly seen at the doctor’s office. When I was younger, I’d remember being bummed out for having 20/15 vision because that meant I was different. My whole family wears glasses and I felt left out.
Well, I have glasses now, non-prescription “hipster” glasses, but my vision has never changed. I didn’t realize that this whole time I’ve been wanting to have a different vision; I’ve been so concerned with “fitting in” that I didn’t realize how blessed I am to have the gift of a clear, focused vision.
The theme of clear vision has been prevalent throughout my entire conscious life. I don’t exactly understand why I have been given this clear-cut, focused plan, but I do know that there is a specific purpose laid out for my life.
I am going to be able to relate and connect to people that no one else will. I am designed for great things. I know that I will see these things accomplished that have been started within the unique soul that I accept and cherish.
The great visionaries of this world did not just have vision. They believed that the vision given to them would come to pass. Their actions were rooted in faith, hope, and perseverance.
When a nation, culture, people lose sight; when vision is lost, the people become blind.
Vision may change over the years, but it will always belong to the same person. Even if a person influences the vision of another or even causes the other to adopt their vision, they are still making that vision their own.
When it comes to the vision for my life, I truly believe that there are times when I don’t like what I see ahead of me. I sometimes find myself more willing to stumble around in the dark with my eyes closed, than use the vision of which I have been bestowed.
I may not be reaching my full potential simply by reason of my own foolish fears. I am afraid of being in the limelight. I’m an anomaly. I’ll headlong thrust myself into that vision wherein I partake, and will believe without hesitation that it will come to pass. Without a single concern regarding the opinion of man or woman, I’ll somersault into action. The only issue is that when it comes to the details of life that seem outside of some grandiose scheme of life’s purpose… I get concerned.
I have the vision, the plan, the dream, and the capability. I just find want when it comes to the character and integrity that should be seen when no one is watching.
I know the plan. I know that the details are what make up the big picture. I know that life is like doing a puzzle project and that each piece matters. I know these things.
I have discovered that there are times that the only one watching sometimes is that person you see in the mirror every day. I must be able to handle my own criticism, my own opinions, and my own standards. It is not the opinions and standards of others that concern me; the opinion that frightens me the most at times is what I think of myself.
A vision to be put to action needs support and accountability. A vision does not become reality because it is foreordained, but rather because it is believed to occur and placed at the focus.
The vision doesn’t always have to be 100% clear. It reminds me when in a car and when you look ahead to where you are going. By staying focused on what’s ahead, while remaining cognizant of the surrounding details, you are able to make slight adjustments that naturally keep you in line.
By keeping that vision in the forefront, obstacles are more readily avoided instead of overcame. It is better to look ahead and prevent the car from coming near a deer than overcoming all the damages accrued from hitting one.
Sin is like a deer in the road. When the path is impeded by fear, pride, and self-seeking motives, obstacles become harder to avoid. These things handicap us and prevent us from properly reaching our goals, destinations, and dreams.
I know that pride has caused me many hindrances in the past. I now look at pride as a cow in the road that must be removed before I can continue on my path.
Vision is not always clear and circumstances are not always ideal.
Once there is clarity and the vision for your life is made clear, don’t forget what it looks like; stick to that path, no matter what!

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